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域名简介 Domain Introduction

戳心交流 安全可信

Business Plan Seeks Collaboration worldwide


  1. 齹 (chuō) - 犬张口声。 - The sound of a dog opening its mouth.
  2. 踔 (chuō) - 跳跃。 - To leap, to jump.
  3. 戳 (chuō) - 用锐器刺;竖立;揭穿。 - To prick, to stab with a sharp object; to erect, to set upright; to expose, to reveal. - To poke, to pierce.
  4. 娕 (chuò) - 好貌。 - Beautiful appearance.
  5. 婼 (chuò) - 顺从。 - To obey, to comply.
  6. 惙 (chuò) - 忧愁;气息微弱的样子。 - Worried, anxious; appearance of weak breathing. - Weak, failing (breath).
  7. 啜 (chuò) - 哭泣;慢慢地喝。 - To weep, to cry softly; to sip, to drink slowly. - To sip, to sob.
  8. 龊 (chuò) - 龌龊,形容品质卑劣。 - Wretched, referring to base character. - Dirty, petty.
  9. 辍 (chuò) - 停止,中止。 - To stop, to cease, to discontinue. - To stop, to suspend.
  10. 辵 (chuò) - 同“辶”,用作偏旁。 - Same as "辶", used as a radical.
  11. 磭 (chuò) - 石声。 - Sound of stones.
  12. 歠 (chuò) - 饮;吃。 - To drink; to eat.
  13. 涰 (chuò) - 水波纹。 - Water ripples.


  1. 䜣 (xīn) - 争讼。 - To dispute, to litigate.
  2. 訢 (xīn) - 喜悦,高兴。 - Joyful, happy. - Glad, joyful.
  3. 鑫 (xīn) - 商店字号及人名常用字,寓意兴盛发财。 - Commonly used character for shop names and personal names, implying prosperity and wealth. - Prosperous (used in names and business names).
  4. 馨 (xīn) - 散布很远的香气;比喻声誉美好。 - Fragrance spreading far and wide; metaphor for good reputation. - Fragrant, sweet-smelling.
  5. 莘 (xīn) - 草名,细长而坚韧;众多。 - Name of grass, slender and tough; numerous, many. - Luxuriant; surname.
  6. 歆 (xīn) - 羡慕,喜爱;飨,神享用祭品。 - To admire, to like; to enjoy offerings, for deities to enjoy sacrifices. - To admire, to enjoy (sacrifices).
  7. 心 (xīn) - 心脏;思想,感情;中心,中央;意愿,心思。 - Heart (organ); thought, feeling; center, middle; intention, mind. - Heart, mind, intention, center.
  8. 芯 (xīn) - 灯心草茎中的髓;物体的中心部分。 - Pith of rush stems; central part of an object. - Core, pith.
  9. 辛 (xīn) - 辣味;辛苦,劳苦;天干第八位。 - Spicy taste, pungent; hardship, toil; eighth of the ten Heavenly Stems. - Spicy, bitter, toilsome.
  10. 忻 (xīn) - 喜悦。 - Joyful. - Joyful, delighted.
  11. 昕 (xīn) - 黎明,早晨。 - Dawn, morning. - Dawn, morning light.
  12. 鋅 (xīn) - 金属元素锌。 - Metallic element zinc. - Zinc.
  13. 新 (xīn) - 与旧相对;初始的,刚产生的;更新,改变; Modern。 - Opposite of old; initial, newly produced; to renew, to change; Modern. - New, fresh, modern.
  14. 鋅 (xīn) - 同“锌”。 - Same as "锌". - Zinc (variant).
  15. 鐔 (xín) - 剑柄与剑身连接处有花纹的金属片。 - Decorative metal piece at the joint of sword handle and blade.
  16. 寻 (xín) - 找,寻求;探究;古代长度单位;不久。 - To find, to seek; to explore; ancient unit of length; soon, shortly. - To seek, to search; to find; unit of length (ancient).
  17. 浔 (xín) - 江水深。 - Deep river water. - Deep (water).
  18. 䄔 (xín) - 福。 - Blessing, good fortune.
  19. 镡 (xín) - 同“鐔”。 - Same as "鐔".
  20. 噚 (xín) - 同“寻”。 - Same as "寻".
  21. 蕈 (xùn/xín) - 蕈子,蘑菇。 - Mushroom. (Note: Primarily xùn, but pronunciation xín exists.)
  22. 煡 (xìn) - 热。 - Hot, warm.
  23. 囟 (xìn) - 婴儿头顶骨未合缝的地方,俗称“囟门”。 - Soft spot on an infant's head, fontanelle. - Fontanelle.
  24. 軐 (xìn) - 车箱。 - Carriage body.
  25. 信 (xìn) - 相信;信息;书信;真实,不虚假;可靠的;随意,放任。 - To believe; information, message; letter; true, not false; reliable; randomly, unrestrainedly. - To believe, trust; message, letter, faith.
  26. 衅 (xìn) - 嫌隙,争端;罪过;用血涂抹。 - Estrangement, dispute; fault, guilt; to smear with blood. - Quarrel, fault, blood sacrifice.
  27. 迅 (xùn/xìn) - 快,迅速。 - Fast, rapid, swift. - Rapid, swift. (Note: Primarily xùn, but pronunciation xìn exists and sometimes interchangeable).
  28. 讯 (xùn/xìn) - 询问,打听;消息。 - To ask, to inquire; information, news. - To question, information. (Note: Primarily xùn, but pronunciation xìn exists).
  29. 汛 (xùn/xìn) - 时期;定期 Overflow。 - Season; periodic overflow of water. - High water season, flood. (Note: Primarily xùn, but pronunciation xìn exists).
  30. 侁 (xīn/shēn) - 众多;行走的样子。 - Numerous, many; appearance of walking. (Note: Primarily shēn, pronunciation xīn exists).
  31. 㐰 (xìn) - 惊视貌。 - Appearance of staring in surprise.
  32. 軐 (xìn) - 古同“軐”。 - Anciently same as "軐".


  1. 齹䜣 - 犬张口声争讼。 - Dog mouth opening sound disputing.
  2. 齹訢 - 犬张口声喜悦。 - Dog mouth opening sound joyful.
  3. 齹鑫 - 犬张口声鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - Dog mouth opening sound Xin (character for name/shop).
  4. 齹馨 - 犬张口声馨香。 - Dog mouth opening sound fragrance.
  5. 齹莘 - 犬张口声莘草。 - Dog mouth opening sound Shen/Xin grass.
  6. 齹歆 - 犬张口声羡慕。 - Dog mouth opening sound admire.
  7. 齹心 - 犬张口声心。 - Dog mouth opening sound heart/mind.
  8. 齹芯 - 犬张口声灯芯。 - Dog mouth opening sound lamp wick.
  9. 齹辛 - 犬张口声辛苦。 - Dog mouth opening sound hardship.
  10. 齹忻 - 犬张口声喜悦。 - Dog mouth opening sound joyful.
  11. 齹昕 - 犬张口声黎明。 - Dog mouth opening sound dawn.
  12. 齹鋅 - 犬张口声鋅。 - Dog mouth opening sound zinc.
  13. 齹新 - 犬张口声新。 - Dog mouth opening sound new.
  14. 齹鋅 - 犬张口声鋅 (同锌)。 - Dog mouth opening sound zinc (same as 锌).
  15. 齹鐔 - 犬张口声剑鐔。 - Dog mouth opening sound sword decorative metal piece.
  16. 齹寻 - 犬张口声寻找。 - Dog mouth opening sound to search.
  17. 齹浔 - 犬张口声浔江。 - Dog mouth opening sound Xun river.
  18. 齹䄔 - 犬张口声福。 - Dog mouth opening sound blessing.
  19. 齹镡 - 犬张口声镡 (同鐔)。 - Dog mouth opening sound Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  20. 齹噚 - 犬张口声噚 (同寻)。 - Dog mouth opening sound Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  21. 齹蕈 - 犬张口声蕈子/蘑菇。 - Dog mouth opening sound mushroom.
  22. 齹煡 - 犬张口声热。 - Dog mouth opening sound hot.
  23. 齹囟 - 犬张口声囟门。 - Dog mouth opening sound fontanelle.
  24. 齹軐 - 犬张口声车箱。 - Dog mouth opening sound carriage body.
  25. 齹信 - 犬张口声相信。 - Dog mouth opening sound to believe.
  26. 齹衅 - 犬张口声嫌隙。 - Dog mouth opening sound quarrel.
  27. 齹迅 - 犬张口声迅速。 - Dog mouth opening sound rapid.
  28. 齹讯 - 犬张口声讯问。 - Dog mouth opening sound to inquire.
  29. 齹汛 - 犬张口声汛期。 - Dog mouth opening sound flood season.
  30. 齹侁 - 犬张口声众多貌。 - Dog mouth opening sound numerous appearance.
  31. 齹㐰 - 犬张口声惊视貌。 - Dog mouth opening sound staring surprised appearance.
  32. 齹軐 - 犬张口声軐 (同軐)。 - Dog mouth opening sound (same as 軐).
  33. 踔䜣 - 跳跃争讼。 - To leap disputing.
  34. 踔訢 - 跳跃喜悦。 - To leap joyful.
  35. 踔鑫 - 跳跃鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - To leap Xin (character for name/shop).
  36. 踔馨 - 跳跃馨香。 - To leap fragrance.
  37. 踔莘 - 跳跃莘草。 - To leap Shen/Xin grass.
  38. 踔歆 - 跳跃羡慕。 - To leap admire.
  39. 踔心 - 跳跃心。 - To leap heart/mind.
  40. 踔芯 - 跳跃灯芯。 - To leap lamp wick.
  41. 踔辛 - 跳跃辛苦。 - To leap hardship.
  42. 踔忻 - 跳跃喜悦。 - To leap joyful.
  43. 踔昕 - 跳跃黎明。 - To leap dawn.
  44. 踔鋅 - 跳跃鋅。 - To leap zinc.
  45. 踔新 - 跳跃新。 - To leap new.
  46. 踔鋅 - 跳跃鋅 (同锌)。 - To leap zinc (same as 锌).
  47. 踔鐔 - 跳跃剑鐔。 - To leap sword decorative metal piece.
  48. 踔寻 - 跳跃寻找。 - To leap to search.
  49. 踔浔 - 跳跃浔江。 - To leap Xun river.
  50. 踔䄔 - 跳跃福。 - To leap blessing.
  51. 踔镡 - 跳跃镡 (同鐔)。 - To leap Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  52. 踔噚 - 跳跃噚 (同寻)。 - To leap Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  53. 踔蕈 - 跳跃蕈子/蘑菇。 - To leap mushroom.
  54. 踔煡 - 跳跃热。 - To leap hot.
  55. 踔囟 - 跳跃囟门。 - To leap fontanelle.
  56. 踔軐 - 跳跃车箱。 - To leap carriage body.
  57. 踔信 - 跳跃相信。 - To leap to believe.
  58. 踔衅 - 跳跃嫌隙。 - To leap quarrel.
  59. 踔迅 - 跳跃迅速。 - To leap rapid.
  60. 踔讯 - 跳跃讯问。 - To leap to inquire.
  61. 踔汛 - 跳跃汛期。 - To leap flood season.
  62. 踔侁 - 跳跃众多貌。 - To leap numerous appearance.
  63. 踔㐰 - 跳跃惊视貌。 - To leap staring surprised appearance.
  64. 踔軐 - 跳跃軐 (同軐)。 - To leap (same as 軐).
  65. 戳䜣 - 戳争讼。 - To poke disputing.
  66. 戳訢 - 戳喜悦。 - To poke joyful.
  67. 戳鑫 - 戳鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - To poke Xin (character for name/shop).
  68. 戳馨 - 戳馨香。 - To poke fragrance.
  69. 戳莘 - 戳莘草。 - To poke Shen/Xin grass.
  70. 戳歆 - 戳羡慕。 - To poke admire.
  71. 戳心 - 戳心。 - To poke heart/mind.
  72. 戳芯 - 戳灯芯。 - To poke lamp wick.
  73. 戳辛 - 戳辛苦。 - To poke hardship.
  74. 戳忻 - 戳喜悦。 - To poke joyful.
  75. 戳昕 - 戳黎明。 - To poke dawn.
  76. 戳鋅 - 戳鋅。 - To poke zinc.
  77. 戳新 - 戳新。 - To poke new.
  78. 戳鋅 - 戳鋅 (同锌)。 - To poke zinc (same as 锌).
  79. 戳鐔 - 戳剑鐔。 - To poke sword decorative metal piece.
  80. 戳寻 - 戳寻找。 - To poke to search.
  81. 戳浔 - 戳浔江。 - To poke Xun river.
  82. 戳䄔 - 戳福。 - To poke blessing.
  83. 戳镡 - 戳镡 (同鐔)。 - To poke Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  84. 戳噚 - 戳噚 (同寻)。 - To poke Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  85. 戳蕈 - 戳蕈子/蘑菇。 - To poke mushroom.
  86. 戳煡 - 戳热。 - To poke hot.
  87. 戳囟 - 戳囟门。 - To poke fontanelle.
  88. 戳軐 - 戳车箱。 - To poke carriage body.
  89. 戳信 - 戳相信。 - To poke to believe.
  90. 戳衅 - 戳嫌隙。 - To poke quarrel.
  91. 戳迅 - 戳迅速。 - To poke rapid.
  92. 戳讯 - 戳讯问。 - To poke to inquire.
  93. 戳汛 - 戳汛期。 - To poke flood season.
  94. 戳侁 - 戳众多貌。 - To poke numerous appearance.
  95. 戳㐰 - 戳惊视貌。 - To poke staring surprised appearance.
  96. 戳軐 - 戳軐 (同軐)。 - To poke (same as 軐).
  97. 娕䜣 - 好貌争讼。 - Beautiful appearance disputing.
  98. 娕訢 - 好貌喜悦。 - Beautiful appearance joyful.
  99. 娕鑫 - 好貌鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - Beautiful appearance Xin (character for name/shop).
  100. 娕馨 - 好貌馨香。 - Beautiful appearance fragrance.
  101. 娕莘 - 好貌莘草。 - Beautiful appearance Shen/Xin grass.
  102. 娕歆 - 好貌羡慕。 - Beautiful appearance admire.
  103. 娕心 - 好貌心。 - Beautiful appearance heart/mind.
  104. 娕芯 - 好貌灯芯。 - Beautiful appearance lamp wick.
  105. 娕辛 - 好貌辛苦。 - Beautiful appearance hardship.
  106. 娕忻 - 好貌喜悦。 - Beautiful appearance joyful.
  107. 娕昕 - 好貌黎明。 - Beautiful appearance dawn.
  108. 娕鋅 - 好貌鋅。 - Beautiful appearance zinc.
  109. 娕新 - 好貌新。 - Beautiful appearance new.
  110. 娕鋅 - 好貌鋅 (同锌)。 - Beautiful appearance zinc (same as 锌).
  111. 娕鐔 - 好貌剑鐔。 - Beautiful appearance sword decorative metal piece.
  112. 娕寻 - 好貌寻找。 - Beautiful appearance to search.
  113. 娕浔 - 好貌浔江。 - Beautiful appearance Xun river.
  114. 娕䄔 - 好貌福。 - Beautiful appearance blessing.
  115. 娕镡 - 好貌镡 (同鐔)。 - Beautiful appearance Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  116. 娕噚 - 好貌噚 (同寻)。 - Beautiful appearance Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  117. 娕蕈 - 好貌蕈子/蘑菇。 - Beautiful appearance mushroom.
  118. 娕煡 - 好貌热。 - Beautiful appearance hot.
  119. 娕囟 - 好貌囟门。 - Beautiful appearance fontanelle.
  120. 娕軐 - 好貌车箱。 - Beautiful appearance carriage body.
  121. 娕信 - 好貌相信。 - Beautiful appearance to believe.
  122. 娕衅 - 好貌嫌隙。 - Beautiful appearance quarrel.
  123. 娕迅 - 好貌迅速。 - Beautiful appearance rapid.
  124. 娕讯 - 好貌讯问。 - Beautiful appearance to inquire.
  125. 娕汛 - 好貌汛期。 - Beautiful appearance flood season.
  126. 娕侁 - 好貌众多貌。 - Beautiful appearance numerous appearance.
  127. 娕㐰 - 好貌惊视貌。 - Beautiful appearance staring surprised appearance.
  128. 娕軐 - 好貌軐 (同軐)。 - Beautiful appearance (same as 軐).
  129. 婼䜣 - 顺从争讼。 - To obey disputing.
  130. 婼訢 - 顺从喜悦。 - To obey joyful.
  131. 婼鑫 - 顺从鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - To obey Xin (character for name/shop).
  132. 婼馨 - 顺从馨香。 - To obey fragrance.
  133. 婼莘 - 顺从莘草。 - To obey Shen/Xin grass.
  134. 婼歆 - 顺从羡慕。 - To obey admire.
  135. 婼心 - 顺从心。 - To obey heart/mind.
  136. 婼芯 - 顺从灯芯。 - To obey lamp wick.
  137. 婼辛 - 顺从辛苦。 - To obey hardship.
  138. 婼忻 - 顺从喜悦。 - To obey joyful.
  139. 婼昕 - 顺从黎明。 - To obey dawn.
  140. 婼鋅 - 顺从鋅。 - To obey zinc.
  141. 婼新 - 顺从新。 - To obey new.
  142. 婼鋅 - 顺从鋅 (同锌)。 - To obey zinc (same as 锌).
  143. 婼鐔 - 顺从剑鐔。 - To obey sword decorative metal piece.
  144. 婼寻 - 顺从寻找。 - To obey to search.
  145. 婼浔 - 顺从浔江。 - To obey Xun river.
  146. 婼䄔 - 顺从福。 - To obey blessing.
  147. 婼镡 - 顺从镡 (同鐔)。 - To obey Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  148. 婼噚 - 顺从噚 (同寻)。 - To obey Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  149. 婼蕈 - 顺从蕈子/蘑菇。 - To obey mushroom.
  150. 婼煡 - 顺从热。 - To obey hot.
  151. 婼囟 - 顺从囟门。 - To obey fontanelle.
  152. 婼軐 - 顺从车箱。 - To obey carriage body.
  153. 婼信 - 顺从相信。 - To obey to believe.
  154. 婼衅 - 顺从嫌隙。 - To obey quarrel.
  155. 婼迅 - 顺从迅速。 - To obey rapid.
  156. 婼讯 - 顺从讯问。 - To obey to inquire.
  157. 婼汛 - 顺从汛期。 - To obey flood season.
  158. 婼侁 - 顺从众多貌。 - To obey numerous appearance.
  159. 婼㐰 - 顺从惊视貌。 - To obey staring surprised appearance.
  160. 婼軐 - 顺从軐 (同軐)。 - To obey (same as 軐).
  161. 惙䜣 - 忧愁争讼。 - Worried disputing.
  162. 惙訢 - 忧愁喜悦。 - Worried joyful.
  163. 惙鑫 - 忧愁鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - Worried Xin (character for name/shop).
  164. 惙馨 - 忧愁馨香。 - Worried fragrance.
  165. 惙莘 - 忧愁莘草。 - Worried Shen/Xin grass.
  166. 惙歆 - 忧愁羡慕。 - Worried admire.
  167. 惙心 - 忧愁心。 - Worried heart/mind.
  168. 惙芯 - 忧愁灯芯。 - Worried lamp wick.
  169. 惙辛 - 忧愁辛苦。 - Worried hardship.
  170. 惙忻 - 忧愁喜悦。 - Worried joyful.
  171. 惙昕 - 忧愁黎明。 - Worried dawn.
  172. 惙鋅 - 忧愁鋅。 - Worried zinc.
  173. 惙新 - 忧愁新。 - Worried new.
  174. 惙鋅 - 忧愁鋅 (同锌)。 - Worried zinc (same as 锌).
  175. 惙鐔 - 忧愁剑鐔。 - Worried sword decorative metal piece.
  176. 惙寻 - 忧愁寻找。 - Worried to search.
  177. 惙浔 - 忧愁浔江。 - Worried Xun river.
  178. 惙䄔 - 忧愁福。 - Worried blessing.
  179. 惙镡 - 忧愁镡 (同鐔)。 - Worried Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  180. 惙噚 - 忧愁噚 (同寻)。 - Worried Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  181. 惙蕈 - 忧愁蕈子/蘑菇。 - Worried mushroom.
  182. 惙煡 - 忧愁热。 - Worried hot.
  183. 惙囟 - 忧愁囟门。 - Worried fontanelle.
  184. 惙軐 - 忧愁车箱。 - Worried carriage body.
  185. 惙信 - 忧愁相信。 - Worried to believe.
  186. 惙衅 - 忧愁嫌隙。 - Worried quarrel.
  187. 惙迅 - 忧愁迅速。 - Worried rapid.
  188. 惙讯 - 忧愁讯问。 - Worried to inquire.
  189. 惙汛 - 忧愁汛期。 - Worried flood season.
  190. 惙侁 - 忧愁众多貌。 - Worried numerous appearance.
  191. 惙㐰 - 忧愁惊视貌。 - Worried staring surprised appearance.
  192. 惙軐 - 忧愁軐 (同軐)。 - Worried (same as 軐).
  193. 啜䜣 - 啜泣争讼。 - Sob disputing.
  194. 啜訢 - 啜泣喜悦。 - Sob joyful.
  195. 啜鑫 - 啜泣鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - Sob Xin (character for name/shop).
  196. 啜馨 - 啜泣馨香。 - Sob fragrance.
  197. 啜莘 - 啜泣莘草。 - Sob Shen/Xin grass.
  198. 啜歆 - 啜泣羡慕。 - Sob admire.
  199. 啜心 - 啜泣心。 - Sob heart/mind.
  200. 啜芯 - 啜泣灯芯。 - Sob lamp wick.
  201. 啜辛 - 啜泣辛苦。 - Sob hardship.
  202. 啜忻 - 啜泣喜悦。 - Sob joyful.
  203. 啜昕 - 啜泣黎明。 - Sob dawn.
  204. 啜鋅 - 啜泣鋅。 - Sob zinc.
  205. 啜新 - 啜泣新。 - Sob new.
  206. 啜鋅 - 啜泣鋅 (同锌)。 - Sob zinc (same as 锌).
  207. 啜鐔 - 啜泣剑鐔。 - Sob sword decorative metal piece.
  208. 啜寻 - 啜泣寻找。 - Sob to search.
  209. 啜浔 - 啜泣浔江。 - Sob Xun river.
  210. 啜䄔 - 啜泣福。 - Sob blessing.
  211. 啜镡 - 啜泣镡 (同鐔)。 - Sob Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  212. 啜噚 - 啜泣噚 (同寻)。 - Sob Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  213. 啜蕈 - 啜泣蕈子/蘑菇。 - Sob mushroom.
  214. 啜煡 - 啜泣热。 - Sob hot.
  215. 啜囟 - 啜泣囟门。 - Sob fontanelle.
  216. 啜軐 - 啜泣车箱。 - Sob carriage body.
  217. 啜信 - 啜泣相信。 - Sob to believe.
  218. 啜衅 - 啜泣嫌隙。 - Sob quarrel.
  219. 啜迅 - 啜泣迅速。 - Sob rapid.
  220. 啜讯 - 啜泣讯问。 - Sob to inquire.
  221. 啜汛 - 啜泣汛期。 - Sob flood season.
  222. 啜侁 - 啜泣众多貌。 - Sob numerous appearance.
  223. 啜㐰 - 啜泣惊视貌。 - Sob staring surprised appearance.
  224. 啜軐 - 啜泣軐 (同軐)。 - Sob (same as 軐).
  225. 龊䜣 - 龌龊争讼。 - Petty disputing.
  226. 龊訢 - 龌龊喜悦。 - Petty joyful.
  227. 龊鑫 - 龌龊鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - Petty Xin (character for name/shop).
  228. 龊馨 - 龌龊馨香。 - Petty fragrance.
  229. 龊莘 - 龌龊莘草。 - Petty Shen/Xin grass.
  230. 龊歆 - 龌龊羡慕。 - Petty admire.
  231. 龊心 - 龌龊心。 - Petty heart/mind.
  232. 龊芯 - 龌龊灯芯。 - Petty lamp wick.
  233. 龊辛 - 龌龊辛苦。 - Petty hardship.
  234. 龊忻 - 龌龊喜悦。 - Petty joyful.
  235. 龊昕 - 龌龊黎明。 - Petty dawn.
  236. 龊鋅 - 龌龊鋅。 - Petty zinc.
  237. 龊新 - 龌龊新。 - Petty new.
  238. 龊鋅 - 龌龊鋅 (同锌)。 - Petty zinc (same as 锌).
  239. 龊鐔 - 龌龊剑鐔。 - Petty sword decorative metal piece.
  240. 龊寻 - 龌龊寻找。 - Petty to search.
  241. 龊浔 - 龌龊浔江。 - Petty Xun river.
  242. 龊䄔 - 龌龊福。 - Petty blessing.
  243. 龊镡 - 龌龊镡 (同鐔)。 - Petty Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  244. 龊噚 - 龌龊噚 (同寻)。 - Petty Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  245. 龊蕈 - 龌龊蕈子/蘑菇。 - Petty mushroom.
  246. 龊煡 - 龌龊热。 - Petty hot.
  247. 龊囟 - 龌龊囟门。 - Petty fontanelle.
  248. 龊軐 - 龌龊车箱。 - Petty carriage body.
  249. 龊信 - 龌龊相信。 - Petty to believe.
  250. 龊衅 - 龌龊嫌隙。 - Petty quarrel.
  251. 龊迅 - 龌龊迅速。 - Petty rapid.
  252. 龊讯 - 龌龊讯问。 - Petty to inquire.
  253. 龊汛 - 龌龊汛期。 - Petty flood season.
  254. 龊侁 - 龌龊众多貌。 - Petty numerous appearance.
  255. 龊㐰 - 龌龊惊视貌。 - Petty staring surprised appearance.
  256. 龊軐 - 龌龊軐 (同軐)。 - Petty (same as 軐).
  257. 辍䜣 - 停止争讼。 - To stop disputing.
  258. 辍訢 - 停止喜悦。 - To stop joyful.
  259. 辍鑫 - 停止鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - To stop Xin (character for name/shop).
  260. 辍馨 - 停止馨香。 - To stop fragrance.
  261. 辍莘 - 停止莘草。 - To stop Shen/Xin grass.
  262. 辍歆 - 停止羡慕。 - To stop admire.
  263. 辍心 - 停止心。 - To stop heart/mind.
  264. 辍芯 - 停止灯芯。 - To stop lamp wick.
  265. 辍辛 - 停止辛苦。 - To stop hardship.
  266. 辍忻 - 停止喜悦。 - To stop joyful.
  267. 辍昕 - 停止黎明。 - To stop dawn.
  268. 辍鋅 - 停止鋅。 - To stop zinc.
  269. 辍新 - 停止新。 - To stop new.
  270. 辍鋅 - 停止鋅 (同锌)。 - To stop zinc (same as 锌).
  271. 辍鐔 - 停止剑鐔。 - To stop sword decorative metal piece.
  272. 辍寻 - 停止寻找。 - To stop to search.
  273. 辍浔 - 停止浔江。 - To stop Xun river.
  274. 辍䄔 - 停止福。 - To stop blessing.
  275. 辍镡 - 停止镡 (同鐔)。 - To stop Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  276. 辍噚 - 停止噚 (同寻)。 - To stop Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  277. 辍蕈 - 停止蕈子/蘑菇。 - To stop mushroom.
  278. 辍煡 - 停止热。 - To stop hot.
  279. 辍囟 - 停止囟门。 - To stop fontanelle.
  280. 辍軐 - 停止车箱。 - To stop carriage body.
  281. 辍信 - 停止相信。 - To stop to believe.
  282. 辍衅 - 停止嫌隙。 - To stop quarrel.
  283. 辍迅 - 停止迅速。 - To stop rapid.
  284. 辍讯 - 停止讯问。 - To stop to inquire.
  285. 辍汛 - 停止汛期。 - To stop flood season.
  286. 辍侁 - 停止众多貌。 - To stop numerous appearance.
  287. 辍㐰 - 停止惊视貌。 - To stop staring surprised appearance.
  288. 辍軐 - 停止軐 (同軐)。 - To stop (same as 軐).
  289. 辵䜣 - 辵争讼。 - Rad. "walk" disputing.
  290. 辵訢 - 辵喜悦。 - Rad. "walk" joyful.
  291. 辵鑫 - 辵鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - Rad. "walk" Xin (character for name/shop).
  292. 辵馨 - 辵馨香。 - Rad. "walk" fragrance.
  293. 辵莘 - 辵莘草。 - Rad. "walk" Shen/Xin grass.
  294. 辵歆 - 辵羡慕。 - Rad. "walk" admire.
  295. 辵心 - 辵心。 - Rad. "walk" heart/mind.
  296. 辵芯 - 辵灯芯。 - Rad. "walk" lamp wick.
  297. 辵辛 - 辵辛苦。 - Rad. "walk" hardship.
  298. 辵忻 - 辵喜悦。 - Rad. "walk" joyful.
  299. 辵昕 - 辵黎明。 - Rad. "walk" dawn.
  300. 辵鋅 - 辵鋅。 - Rad. "walk" zinc.
  301. 辵新 - 辵新。 - Rad. "walk" new.
  302. 辵鋅 - 辵鋅 (同锌)。 - Rad. "walk" zinc (same as 锌).
  303. 辵鐔 - 辵剑鐔。 - Rad. "walk" sword decorative metal piece.
  304. 辵寻 - 辵寻找。 - Rad. "walk" to search.
  305. 辵浔 - 辵浔江。 - Rad. "walk" Xun river.
  306. 辵䄔 - 辵福。 - Rad. "walk" blessing.
  307. 辵镡 - 辵镡 (同鐔)。 - Rad. "walk" Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  308. 辵噚 - 辵噚 (同寻)。 - Rad. "walk" Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  309. 辵蕈 - 辵蕈子/蘑菇。 - Rad. "walk" mushroom.
  310. 辵煡 - 辵热。 - Rad. "walk" hot.
  311. 辵囟 - 辵囟门。 - Rad. "walk" fontanelle.
  312. 辵軐 - 辵车箱。 - Rad. "walk" carriage body.
  313. 辵信 - 辵相信。 - Rad. "walk" to believe.
  314. 辵衅 - 辵嫌隙。 - Rad. "walk" quarrel.
  315. 辵迅 - 辵迅速。 - Rad. "walk" rapid.
  316. 辵讯 - 辵讯问。 - Rad. "walk" to inquire.
  317. 辵汛 - 辵汛期。 - Rad. "walk" flood season.
  318. 辵侁 - 辵众多貌。 - Rad. "walk" numerous appearance.
  319. 辵㐰 - 辵惊视貌。 - Rad. "walk" staring surprised appearance.
  320. 辵軐 - 辵軐 (同軐)。 - Rad. "walk" (same as 軐).
  321. 磭䜣 - 石声争讼。 - Stone sound disputing.
  322. 磭訢 - 石声喜悦。 - Stone sound joyful.
  323. 磭鑫 - 石声鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - Stone sound Xin (character for name/shop).
  324. 磭馨 - 石声馨香。 - Stone sound fragrance.
  325. 磭莘 - 石声莘草。 - Stone sound Shen/Xin grass.
  326. 磭歆 - 石声羡慕。 - Stone sound admire.
  327. 磭心 - 石声心。 - Stone sound heart/mind.
  328. 磭芯 - 石声灯芯。 - Stone sound lamp wick.
  329. 磭辛 - 石声辛苦。 - Stone sound hardship.
  330. 磭忻 - 石声喜悦。 - Stone sound joyful.
  331. 磭昕 - 石声黎明。 - Stone sound dawn.
  332. 磭鋅 - 石声鋅。 - Stone sound zinc.
  333. 磭新 - 石声新。 - Stone sound new.
  334. 磭鋅 - 石声鋅 (同锌)。 - Stone sound zinc (same as 锌).
  335. 磭鐔 - 石声剑鐔。 - Stone sound sword decorative metal piece.
  336. 磭寻 - 石声寻找。 - Stone sound to search.
  337. 磭浔 - 石声浔江。 - Stone sound Xun river.
  338. 磭䄔 - 石声福。 - Stone sound blessing.
  339. 磭镡 - 石声镡 (同鐔)。 - Stone sound Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  340. 磭噚 - 石声噚 (同寻)。 - Stone sound Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  341. 磭蕈 - 石声蕈子/蘑菇。 - Stone sound mushroom.
  342. 磭煡 - 石声热。 - Stone sound hot.
  343. 磭囟 - 石声囟门。 - Stone sound fontanelle.
  344. 磭軐 - 石声车箱。 - Stone sound carriage body.
  345. 磭信 - 石声相信。 - Stone sound to believe.
  346. 磭衅 - 石声嫌隙。 - Stone sound quarrel.
  347. 磭迅 - 石声迅速。 - Stone sound rapid.
  348. 磭讯 - 石声讯问。 - Stone sound to inquire.
  349. 磭汛 - 石声汛期。 - Stone sound flood season.
  350. 磭侁 - 石声众多貌。 - Stone sound numerous appearance.
  351. 磭㐰 - 石声惊视貌。 - Stone sound staring surprised appearance.
  352. 磭軐 - 石声軐 (同軐)。 - Stone sound (same as 軐).
  353. 歠䜣 - 饮吃争讼。 - To drink and eat disputing.
  354. 歠訢 - 饮吃喜悦。 - To drink and eat joyful.
  355. 歠鑫 - 饮吃鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - To drink and eat Xin (character for name/shop).
  356. 歠馨 - 饮吃馨香。 - To drink and eat fragrance.
  357. 歠莘 - 饮吃莘草。 - To drink and eat Shen/Xin grass.
  358. 歠歆 - 饮吃羡慕。 - To drink and eat admire.
  359. 歠心 - 饮吃心。 - To drink and eat heart/mind.
  360. 歠芯 - 饮吃灯芯。 - To drink and eat lamp wick.
  361. 歠辛 - 饮吃辛苦。 - To drink and eat hardship.
  362. 歠忻 - 饮吃喜悦。 - To drink and eat joyful.
  363. 歠昕 - 饮吃黎明。 - To drink and eat dawn.
  364. 歠鋅 - 饮吃鋅。 - To drink and eat zinc.
  365. 歠新 - 饮吃新。 - To drink and eat new.
  366. 歠鋅 - 饮吃鋅 (同锌)。 - To drink and eat zinc (same as 锌).
  367. 歠鐔 - 饮吃剑鐔。 - To drink and eat sword decorative metal piece.
  368. 歠寻 - 饮吃寻找。 - To drink and eat to search.
  369. 歠浔 - 饮吃浔江。 - To drink and eat Xun river.
  370. 歠䄔 - 饮吃福。 - To drink and eat blessing.
  371. 歠镡 - 饮吃镡 (同鐔)。 - To drink and eat Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  372. 歠噚 - 饮吃噚 (同寻)。 - To drink and eat Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  373. 歠蕈 - 饮吃蕈子/蘑菇。 - To drink and eat mushroom.
  374. 歠煡 - 饮吃热。 - To drink and eat hot.
  375. 歠囟 - 饮吃囟门。 - To drink and eat fontanelle.
  376. 歠軐 - 饮吃车箱。 - To drink and eat carriage body.
  377. 歠信 - 饮吃相信。 - To drink and eat to believe.
  378. 歠衅 - 饮吃嫌隙。 - To drink and eat quarrel.
  379. 歠迅 - 饮吃迅速。 - To drink and eat rapid.
  380. 歠讯 - 饮吃讯问。 - To drink and eat to inquire.
  381. 歠汛 - 饮吃汛期。 - To drink and eat flood season.
  382. 歠侁 - 饮吃众多貌。 - To drink and eat numerous appearance.
  383. 歠㐰 - 饮吃惊视貌。 - To drink and eat staring surprised appearance.
  384. 歠軐 - 饮吃軐 (同軐)。 - To drink and eat (same as 軐).
  385. 涰䜣 - 水波纹争讼。 - Water ripples disputing.
  386. 涰訢 - 水波纹喜悦。 - Water ripples joyful.
  387. 涰鑫 - 水波纹鑫 (人名/店名常用字)。 - Water ripples Xin (character for name/shop).
  388. 涰馨 - 水波纹馨香。 - Water ripples fragrance.
  389. 涰莘 - 水波纹莘草。 - Water ripples Shen/Xin grass.
  390. 涰歆 - 水波纹羡慕。 - Water ripples admire.
  391. 涰心 - 水波纹心。 - Water ripples heart/mind.
  392. 涰芯 - 水波纹灯芯。 - Water ripples lamp wick.
  393. 涰辛 - 水波纹辛苦。 - Water ripples hardship.
  394. 涰忻 - 水波纹喜悦。 - Water ripples joyful.
  395. 涰昕 - 水波纹黎明。 - Water ripples dawn.
  396. 涰鋅 - 水波纹鋅。 - Water ripples zinc.
  397. 涰新 - 水波纹新。 - Water ripples new.
  398. 涰鋅 - 水波纹鋅 (同锌)。 - Water ripples zinc (same as 锌).
  399. 涰鐔 - 水波纹剑鐔。 - Water ripples sword decorative metal piece.
  400. 涰寻 - 水波纹寻找。 - Water ripples to search.
  401. 涰浔 - 水波纹浔江。 - Water ripples Xun river.
  402. 涰䄔 - 水波纹福。 - Water ripples blessing.
  403. 涰镡 - 水波纹镡 (同鐔)。 - Water ripples Tan/Xin (same as 鐔).
  404. 涰噚 - 水波纹噚 (同寻)。 - Water ripples Xun/Qin (same as 寻).
  405. 涰蕈 - 水波纹蕈子/蘑菇。 - Water ripples mushroom.
  406. 涰煡 - 水波纹热。 - Water ripples hot.
  407. 涰囟 - 水波纹囟门。 - Water ripples fontanelle.
  408. 涰軐 - 水波纹车箱。 - Water ripples carriage body.
  409. 涰信 - 水波纹相信。 - Water ripples to believe.
  410. 涰衅 - 水波纹嫌隙。 - Water ripples quarrel.
  411. 涰迅 - 水波纹迅速。 - Water ripples rapid.
  412. 涰讯 - 水波纹讯问。 - Water ripples to inquire.
  413. 涰汛 - 水波纹汛期。 - Water ripples flood season.
  414. 涰侁 - 水波纹众多貌。 - Water ripples numerous appearance.
  415. 涰㐰 - 水波纹惊视貌。 - Water ripples staring surprised appearance.
  416. 涰軐 - 水波纹軐 (同軐)。 - Water ripples (same as 軐).



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